You can hear the audio version of this discussion on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and many other platforms!
FOMO refers to the feeling or perception that other people are having more fun, experiencing new things, or living better lives than you are. It often happens when you see these things in people you love or are close to, but it can also occur with those you might follow on social media. When you see others having exciting experiences, it can trigger a sense of envy and self-doubt. You might wonder why you weren’t included or why your life isn’t as exciting. FOMO can lead to feelings of sadness, guilt, or shame. You might question your self-worth or wonder if you are living up to your potential. Feeling left out affects your overall well-being. It can increase stress and anxiety, impacting your physical health. It’s important to recognize when FOMO strikes and also to understand that social media often presents a curated version of reality. Instead of comparing, focus on your own growth and experiences. Celebrate your own path. Today we will talk about some tips to dramatically reduce fear of missing out in your life.
Our fast-paced lives often contribute to FOMO.. Practice taking your time in everyday activities—eating, driving or spending time with your family. Remind yourself to “slow down” and really enjoy the present moment. Talk to your family and request their support to reinforce this intention. When we live life too fast, we might feel the need to constantly jump into things because we miss the joy in our everyday moments.
Make sure to distinguish between what’s truly important and what is just something that might be desirable. Not everything contributes to the quality of your life. When we take time to say “no” to more things, it really helps us be able to free up time for experiences that truly matter. We only have so much time and each time we make a decision to do something, it means we are giving up something else. So rather than focus on what you might be missing out on, think about what you might be giving up. This can help you make choices the prioritize the things in life that you value.
Focus on experiences that enhance your life’s quality, not just the quantity of experiences. More isn’t necessarily better. Skipping out on certain experiences can allow you to save time and money that can be used to experience things that really enhance your life. Again, really thinking about what you value most will help you decide what lesser activities you might want to skip to be able to do what you really love.
Shift from FOMO to the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO). I didn’t make this up! It was on the internet, so it’s a real thing. Recognize that saying no to certain things allows you to say yes to others that align with your values and well-being. Don’t feel obligated to say yes to every opportunity that comes up. Celebrate your ability to choose what really matters to you. Be happy about the choice that you made to skip something to get something else that will be even better for your life.
Take a look at your social media habits. If you follow anyone who makes you feel like you are not keeping up or living up to a certain status or lifestyle, consider unfollowing or at least pausing for a while. Social media can be a nice way to connect with others. But, if it is making you feel like you are not doing the right things in life in comparison to others, it’s not worth it. Don’t forget that people are only posting the best of themselves and their lives.
Again, it is really important to understand your core values. What truly matters to you? When you’re clear on your priorities, it’s easier to resist wanting to be a part of everything so that you can focus on the most important things. Commit to experiences that align with your values. They may not always line up with what everyone else is doing, and that is perfectly fine.
Don’t let yourself envy others’ symbols (wealth, status, possessions). Focus on the underlying experiences. Look for experiences that give you feelings of accomplishment, adventure and connection. These are so much more fulfilling than status symbols which might bring joy in the moment, but not in the long run.
Work on building up your attitude of gratitude. Regularly acknowledge and appreciate what you do have. Gratefulness shifts your focus to all of the things you already have. This really helps reduce the fear of missing out. When we feel so grateful for all that we have, it’s hard to really worry about what we might not be participating in.
If your goal in life is to do anything and everything that comes your way, it will be very difficult to feel happy about the things you are doing and what you have. There will always be something bigger and better. There are endless possibilities of the things we can do in life. We can only choose certain ones with the limited amount of time we have. Use the tips we discussed today to really try to focus on how you want to spend your time. Put your full attention to those things and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or what you might be missing out on.
Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this topic check out Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!
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