MEAL PLAN WITH RECIPE LINKS – 03/02 – 03/08/24

free weekly meal plan with recipes

You can hear the audio version of this meal plan on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and on many other platforms!

Welcome to my weekly meal plan! Each week I like to share the meal plan that I will be using for my family for the upcoming week. I do this because I think that having a meal plan is really important for many reasons. Some of those reasons include saving money, wasting less food, and having less stress when it comes time to figure out “what’s for dinner?”! I try to stick with a meal plan that is simple to make things a little easier during our busy weeks. I hope this can help you with some ideas of what you might want to make this week.

  • Monday – 03/04/24
    • some . some boxed shells and cheese andFor tonight I will be making turkey meatloaf. The recipe I have been making since my kids were little is the . For side dishes, I will be makingJENNIE-Os Best Ever MeatloafCarrot Fries I have a video on my YouTube Channel of me making the carrot fries. Click here to see it!
  • Wednesday – 03/06/24
    • We usually rotate some type of seafood on Wednesdays. Tonight we will be having Bacon Wrapped Barbeque Shrimp. I have mentioned previously that I do not actually wrap the shrimp when I make this recipe. Instead, I cut up the bacon into pieces and lay over the shrimp on the baking sheet. I will be serving this with Easy Fried Rice.
  • Thursday – 03/07/24
    • Thursday we usually do some type of soup and grilled cheese, or breakfast for dinner. This is the night that I go food shopping, so I don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking. Tonight we will be doing Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole.
  • Friday – 03/01/24

Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this meal plan you can find it at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!

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