You can hear the audio version of this discussion on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and many other platforms!
Decluttering is the process of removing unnecessary items from your living space. When we remove things that are not needed or useful to us it creates a simplified space for us to live in. It can help you create a more organized and peaceful environment, which can lead to a more relaxed lifestyle. When you declutter, you remove items that are no longer useful or meaningful to you, which can help you focus on the things that matter most.
Decluttering can also help you save time and money by reducing the amount of time you spend cleaning and organizing your space and by making it easier to find the things you need. One of the most significant benefits of decluttering is that it can help you reduce stress and anxiety. A cluttered living space can make you feel overwhelmed and anxious, while a clean and organized space can help you feel more relaxed.
Decluttering can sometimes feel overwhelming if we have let ourselves accumulate more than we really want to manage in our households. Certain times of life can get busy and we put things like decluttering aside. Even if we are doing pretty good with keeping things scaled down, something like a holiday where we might receive new things that do not yet have a place to go in our home can set us back some. When we think about decluttering we might envision a big project that we just don’t have time for.
We might think we should wait until we have a big chunk of time to devote to decluttering. As you know this may take a long time to happen, if ever! Instead we can focus on finding little bits of time and declutter as we live our lives. So, like with many things we talk about, something is better than nothing. It will make a big impact in your life to do a little bit of decluttering during the regular course of your life than to wait until you have time to empty and sort through an entire closet.
Don’t let perfectionism hold you back from getting started! When you feel like you have to do a complete decluttering of your home it can feel overwhelming which will cause many of us to want to procrastinate and wait for that perfect time. Try to think of decluttering as part of your regular housework and not a big project you have to take on or complete. You can easily do little things to declutter without turning it into a huge task.
If you find yourself sorting through things that you don’t use to find what you do, grab a bag to donate those items or throw them out if they will be no longer useful to someone. If you notice certain clothes never leave your drawers, maybe it’s time for them to go. Don’t discount making little bits of progress. Remind yourself, if you declutter one drawer in the kitchen, you will make progress. Don’t focus on the big picture! Small decluttering projects over the course of time can have a big impact.
Unless you never buy anything new at all, we all have to spend some time decluttering or will we accumulate too many things over time. If you feel like you have too much to declutter, it can help to make a list of the rooms you would like to make progress in. From there, you can make another more detail list for each room breaking down the things that you would like to do into the smallest tasks possible.
For example, in the kitchen and example might be: Declutter some items from 1 drawer, Go through mugs and get rid of any with cracks or stain, The smaller and more specific you can make the tasks the easier it will be to make little bits of progress when you have time. If you don’t feel like you have too much decluttering to do, but just would like to improve your habits, start being more mindful of keeping your eyes open to recognize areas that might need a little work.
When we start assigning a monetary value it can cause us to hang on to something because “you know how much I paid for that?” Regardless of how much you paid for something, if you are not using it or don’t love it, the cost is irrelevant. Depending on the item, you may be able to recoup some of the cost by selling it. However, there are not many things that retain their value, and what we think something may be worth is often over-inflated.
If you really feel like something has a significant value and you know you will take action to list the item for sale right, then go ahead and sell it. But, it is often better to just donate the item and move on. The money is already gone. If you don’t love it and don’t use it, there is no reason to keep it due to the cost. The longer it sits in your house, the longer you will feel bad about the money you spent on it. Get rid of it and move on!
When decluttering your home, it’s important to focus on your own things rather than items that belong to others. While it can be easy to get hung up on things that belong to others, try to keep focused on the things you can control. Everyone has different priorities and sentimental attachments to their possessions. By focusing on your own things, you can make decisions that align with your values and goals. This can help you create a living space that is more functional, organized, and conducive to your well-being.
For those “what if I end up needing this” types of items take some time to consider: How long have I had it without ever needing it? What is the likelihood that I actually will need it? What would be the cost to repurchase the item if I need something similar in the future? If we keep everything we might need one day, we can end up with way too much stuff. So, sometimes we need to take a risk and just get rid of it! Ask yourself if you would go out and buy the item now if you didn’t already own it? If it’s not something you would be willing to go out and re-purchase (if it was available), then maybe it’s not something you really value.
Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, and it’s important to avoid being overly ambitious when taking on this type of project. It’s important to take breaks and not push yourself too hard, as this can lead to burnout. Decluttering can be time-consuming, and it’s important to set realistic goals and expectations. Trying to declutter your entire home in a few days is not usually feasible, and it’s better to break the task down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Being overly ambitious when decluttering because can lead to decision fatigue. When you’re faced with too many decisions, it can be difficult to make good choices, and you may end up keeping items that you don’t really need or want. By taking your time and being realistic about what you can accomplish, you’ll be able to declutter your home in a way that’s sustainable and effective.
Make sure you have a home for everything you intend to keep. It is easy for your home to get cluttered feeling even if you don’t have too much stuff when things do not have a home to return to. It should be easy to place the item back in its home. You don’t want to have to climb on a ladder to put away something that you use on a regular basis. Prioritize ease of access for the things you use most often so that it is easy to get them out and put them away.
Don’t keep things that you don’t use. Even if it was a gift! Keeping things that you don’t and don’t really expect to ever use can make you feel guilty every time you see them. Donate them and let someone else use them!
Keep a place to put items to donate. We might procrastinate on decluttering an item that we want to donate because we don’t have a place to put it. Depending on the size of the item, I often just grab a garbage bag to stick the item in and put it in a spot in my basement that I know is for items to donate. Do a quick declutter on a timer. If you do find yourself with a little bit more time to devote to a specific project, set a time for 30 minutes to an hour and pick a spot you would like to improve. Or less, 15 minutes can make a big difference too. You will be surprised at the impact you can make with a little amount of time.
Declutter clothes as you go. If you put something on that you don’t love, put it aside to declutter. Don’t stick it back in the drawer. If you don’t love it now, you will be very unlikely to love it later! If you pack away seasonal clothes, consider decluttering some of those items during that transition time. It’s a great time to take a look at what clothes or shoes you rarely used the previous season. For many items, that might be a pretty good indication you won’t wear them in future seasons. Same goes for seasonal décor. Instead of putting things back into the box that you don’t want to use, I consider if you will ever want to use them. If not, consider donating or trashing them depending on the condition of the item.
Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this topic check out Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!
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