You can hear the audio version of this discussion on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and many other platforms!
If by luxury to you mean having an enormous amount of money and all of the finest things at all times, then living a frugal life will not likely get you there. But due to the nature of frugal life, it can help you enjoy more luxury in the simple things in life. Frugal living involves practicing gratitude and contentment. Practicing gratitude and contentment helps us find happiness and enjoyment from the little things in life.
Because frugal living focuses so much on prioritizing your values, it naturally leads to a life where you feel more luxury in the smallest things. You begin to realize that there is so much more to live than the constant pursuit of more that so many people get caught up in. Luxury isn’t just about expensive items; it’s appreciating small details and moments. Today I wanted to share my thoughts on how frugal living creates a luxurious life without all of the cost.
When we take the time to pay attention, there are so many little things to find joy in each day. At any given moment there are things to be grateful for and happy about. Luxury can be found in making a nice drink at home or at work to break up your day. It can be found in the way you feel in the clothes you wear when you take time to find the things you really feel good in.
Having a nice warmed-up car on a cold day or a nice cool car on a hot day to get where you are going can be a little luxury if you take the time to think and appreciate it. It does not take much time to recognize the little luxuries we have each day but it’s a feeling that you can carry with you while you take care of your responsibilities throughout your day
Add fresh flowers to your home. Fresh flowers boost mood and add something pretty to your room. You can get these for a super low cost if you decide to grow them yourself. A packet of seeds is very inexpensive and if you buy the right type of flower you can have them fresh for many months. Last year I grew zinnias and cut flowers for our kitchen on a regular basis. It was the first time I cut them because I was always afraid they wouldn’t actually keep flowering, but the more I cut, the more they produced!
Celebrate the little things. Celebrations are fun and can feel like little luxuries just by adding something different to your day. Order pizza with a new topping for National Pizza Day, make simple sundaes for National Ice Cream Day. Or make up your own reason to celebrate. By the way, February 13th is National Cheddar Day, maybe you can find something fun to do with that! Splurge at the Grocery Store. Treat yourself to gourmet ingredients occasionally. Try unusual fruits, artisanal cheeses, or specialty chocolates. The more we can scale back what we consider luxuries the more we can appreciate and feel great about our life and all that we have in it.
Savor a Cup of Coffee or Tea. Enjoy a cup of your favorite coffee or tea is a great little way to treat yourself. There are so many options for great coffee and tea at home now, you do not need to spend a fortune to have this for yourself. If you don’t have the setup at home, treat yourself to a fancy espresso drink at your favorite coffee shop if that is something you enjoy. The cost might add up over time, but if it’s an occasional treat, it’s not going to cost you a fortune! Get into a Good Book. If you like to read, it always feels like a little luxury to get yourself comfortable and spend some time reading. With the amount of books available through libraries both hard copy and digitally, this is a luxury you can take advantage of totally for free.
Upgrade your shower experience by using high-quality bath products. Get some luxurious shower gel, a nice new loofah, and maybe even scented candles to create a spa-like experience. You can often find these items on sale or for a pretty low cost at stores like TJ Maxx or Home Goods. It can be fun to have these little luxuries for yourself. Cozy bedding can feel like a luxury when you climb into your bed after a long day. So, maybe take a moment to consider how nice it feels to get into your comfy bed at night and enjoy the luxury for a few moments.
Listen to and appreciate the sound of birds chirping. Watch the annoying squirrel eating in your backyard with its cute little hands holding its snack. Take a moment to look at the sky on a beautiful day, and catch the sunrise or sunset. Look at your home, your fridge full of food, your car or other transportation to get you where you need to go, and all of the other simple things that we tend to forget to appreciate on a regular basis. Most of us have so much but sometimes fail to see it because it just becomes part of our background. Living a frugal life can really help us stop and focus on these things that can all be considered luxuries.
I am certainly not implying that we should not do the best we can to achieve our earnings goals. There is nothing wrong with building wealth. I think building wealth is a great goal to have. However, I think that it is important to see that on the journey to achieving whatever financial goals we have, it is important to appreciate where we are at now. By keeping our luxuries simple, we will not always feel the need to find bigger and better things to add happiness to our lives. The simple things will always be there no matter where we are at with our finances.
Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this topic check out Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!
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