You can hear the audio version of this discussion on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and many other platforms!
For most of us, cooking is something we have to do most days if not every day. So, given it’s not usually something we can get out of doing. Even if it’s something we enjoy doing, it still helps to make things a little bit easier sometimes. Especially on those busy nights, our energy can be drained by the time we have to start cooking dinner. So, taking a few little steps to make it easier on ourselves can make a big difference.
When cooking is too complicated or tiring, we can end up deciding to just order in. While that is fine once in a while, most of us do not want to do that on a regular basis. It costs a lot more, it’s not usually as healthy, and it can lead to food waste due to food not getting cooked that we purchased for meals we planned to make. Today I am going to share some tips that have helped me simplify cooking every night.
I won’t spend too much time on it, but of course, I believe that a meal plan is one of the best ways to simplify cooking. To look at your meal plan and see what you will be cooking this evening is so much easier than staring at a freezer full of random ingredients and trying to figure out how to make them into a meal. So, if you are not already meal planning, that might something you want to try first! I have other episodes that go into detail on creating a meal plan!
It’s the worst when you are getting ready to cook and realize that you have picked three recipes that all have to be cooked in the oven at different temperatures. I’m sure I can’t be the only one who has done things like this. I do occasionally still do this by accident when I am not really paying enough attention while creating my meal plan. But, I have gotten much more careful with making sure that most parts of the meal use a different method of cooking that can be done simultaneously. For example, cooking hamburgers on the stove, while baked beans heat up in the microwave, and potatoes cook in the oven or air fryer.
If I do have to cook two things in the oven for a certain meal, I try to make sure that one won’t take too much time or that it can kind of work with another part of the meal prep. For example, when I make baked ziti and meatballs, I bake the ziti while preparing the meatballs. The meatballs only take 20 minutes to bake, and the ziti is supposed to sit for 15 after coming out of the oven anyway, so it works well together. Sometimes these things just work out by accident, but if you take note of it when that great timing works out try to make a mental note of it to take advantage in the future.
I’m sure I can’t be the only one who has come home a bit on the late side and started to cook dinner, only to realize that the meal I was making required simmering for an hour. It can make for a late night and a really late dinner. Also, remember to give the recipe a quick read the morning of if you can. This will remind you of any ingredients that you might need to defrost in the morning so that you have read what you need to cook in the evening.
I am famous for forgetting to defrost cheese. On taco night, I will take out the meat for the tacos and think I am all set. Then while driving to work, I remember that I forgot to defrost the shredded cheese for the tacos. In my mind, I know exactly what I need to defrost for each recipe, but by taking a quick look at the recipe in the morning, I will be reminded of anything else I might need to have ready.
It can be difficult to manage the timing of cooking several recipes that are somewhat complex or time-consuming. When possible, I find that it is best to keep it to one recipe that is a little more time-consuming with one or two others that are much more simple to make. An example might be to make a steak which basically just requires marinating and then broiling or grilling, with one side dish that might take more time to prepare, and another that is very simple.
With only one more time-consuming piece of the meal, it is much easier to figure out the timing of putting the meal together. If you find a meal that comes together with all really simple-to-make recipes, that’s even better. I am not suggesting that need to have a more complicated recipe. I am just noting that if you do have one as part of your meal keep the other things that are easier to put together.
There are no rules that a recipe needs to be followed exactly as written. Cooking with fewer ingredients and using what you already have saves both time and money. I would say probably at least half the time, probably more, I skip some or many ingredients in a recipe. Unless you are very particular about what you are eating, most often skipping a couple of spices in a meal will be totally fine. I don’t skip all seasonings of course, but with a little bit of experience, you start to realize what things you can skip and what you can’t.
If a certain spice is needed to give a specific flavor, say cinnamon, then you would not want to skip it. But when they are just to add flavor to the meal, you can almost always substitute with things you already have on hand and skip some of them also. Substituting ingredients also helps use up what you have on hand so that you don’t have to spend more money on purchasing more ingredients when you have things that work just fine.
I often substitute cheeses. If I am making mac and cheese and halve only half of the cheddar needed, but have a bag of shredded mozzarella I will go ahead and use up the mozzarella to make up the difference if I know it won’t otherwise get used. You just have to use your judgment on what might work and if you are ok with a little bit of a different taste for the recipe you are making.
If you want to or need to, of course, you can do all easy meals! But, even if you want to make some more complex meals on certain days, it’s always nice to have a really easy meal to make. While I don’t really mind cooking and often spend a good amount of time cooking dinner, it’s always kind of exciting knowing that I have a super easy meal to make on a given night. Easy meals do not have to be unhealthy meals either.
I mean some of my simple meals might not be the most nutritious, like for example when we have hot dogs once a month. But, I also make salmon as a really easy meal that I literally just place in a baking dish, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with seasoning, and bake. And that is a very healthy meal. So, don’t discard easy meals thinking that they will all be lower in nutrition. There are plenty of healthy meals that are super easy to make. Also, make sure that when planning out your meals you consider which days will be very busy and will require a more simple meal to be made that night.
Just like with anything, when something looks like there is a lot to do it can seem like too much to do. After a long day, that recipe that you might have been excited about can seem like too much to have to deal with now. There are times when I will just sit there staring at the recipe thinking that I don’t have the energy to do it. I have found that making myself just move through each step one at a time, usually doesn’t end up being that difficult.
It’s often the procrastinating between each step that often makes it seem difficult. Like with everything, often starting is the hardest part. So, on those nights when your energy is drained and you did not pick the simplest of meals to make. Just start with step one of the recipe and keep moving along. You will most likely pick up some energy and realize it’s not going to be as tiring as you thought. If it truly is going to be just too much, then it might be one of those days where you order pizza and make the recipe the next day!
The more you cook, the more you will start to develop habits that will make cooking quicker and easier for you. You start to find those little pockets of time to start prepping another part of the meal while waiting for the water to boil or for something to finish in the microwave. When you find a meal particularly simple to make that you also really enjoy keep track of it somewhere. Whether using a recipe app on your phone, a notebook, or index cards it is really helpful to remember and repeat those meals. They especially come in handy during those really busy times of life. So, if you find cooking too challenging or time-consuming at times, maybe some of these tips can help make life a little bit easier for you when it comes to preparing food!
Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this topic check out Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!
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