You can hear the audio version of this discussion on my podcast at Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast, on Apple Podcast, and many other platforms!
Each year during the anniversary month of this podcast I do an episode that is related to progress over perfection, just moving forward, or like today’s topic says “Why Taking the Next Step Matters”. This year I am celebrating the four-year anniversary of this podcast. I started in April of 2020 when we all had a little bit of extra time at home. Starting a podcast was something I had considered over the course of time but not something I ever really too seriously or thought I would ever do. But, when we were all on lockdown and I had a little extra time on my hands I decided to give it a try.
Each week I keep taking the next step, getting out a new episode, no matter how imperfect they may be. And here I am with a catalog of over 500 episodes. This leads us to today’s topic of why taking the next step matters. If someone told me to create 500 episodes over any amount of time, I would think that was crazy. But by continuing to take the next step I was able to do it without it feeling like a huge task.
Sometimes there are things that we might like to do be the process or amount of work involved seems overwhelming. If you can determine what the next step would be to get you closer to your goal you can focus on that step only and not worry about the rest until you get there. The smaller you can break down the steps the easier it will be for you to keep moving forward. Remember that things will build over time. When you look back you will be amazed at how far you have come. But, that cannot happen unless you keep taking that next step forward a little at a time.
As I am sure any of you who have listened to this podcast for any amount of time you will know that this podcast is not perfect. It is not that I would not like for it to be perfect. I would like to say umm, you know, and all of those other things much less. It would be nice not to lose my train of thought while recording, or at the very least to edit all of those things out. However, the reality is that I have limited time.
If I spent more time trying to get the podcast perfect, I would have to give up other things in my life that are important to me. So, I do the best I can and move on. It feels good to get an episode recorded and put out there, then it would to hardly ever get one out in an effort to make it perfect. If there is something that you really want to do, then try to do it in the way that you are able to even if that means it might not be exactly how you envision it.
When you first start taking steps towards whatever it is you are trying to accomplish you might feel unsure about it. This is when it is important to take a step forward anyway. When you take the next step you will start to figure things out. Don’t worry about being judged by anyone or even yourself for not doing things exactly right. No one starts out an expert. And no one says you have to be an expert to pursue doing something that you enjoy or have always wanted to try. You don’t have to be the best at something to do it. We all have different skill sets and certain things you may never be the greatest at, but it doesn’t mean you cannot still do it as well as you are able to. No matter what it is you will still get better over time.
Thanks so much for checking in! If you would like to hear the podcast version of this topic check out Lola’s Frugal Life Podcast! Also, be sure to check out my other blog posts on this site!
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